PRP (platelet rich plasma)

use your body’s own healing properties

Pearl Med offers a natural way to address wrinkles, sun damage, hair loss, and skin quality with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). 

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used in Europe with great success since the 1980’s. Initially used for orthopedic injuries and to enhance wound healing, the use of PRP in the aesthetic industry emerged upon seeing its rejuvenating effects. Platelets are rich in growth factors, which are a key component in tissue regeneration. PRP is an autologous treatment, meaning that the source of origin is the patient’s own blood.


How does PRP work?

PRP is separated from your blood and used as a serum for injections due to its natural supply of powerful growth factors. PRP is known for its extremely powerful healing properties that work to promote collagen and elastin production in the body.

Typical Treatment areas


PRP can be used as a serum after microneedling or used as an injection to stimulate collagen production and natural healing on the face. It can also be used to reduce the signs of aging by minimizing wrinkles around the eyes, forehead or laugh lines.


We often forget to treat our neck with the same care as our face and in time, the neck will begin to show visible signs of aging. PRP is a natural way to treat sun damage, uneven skin tone, and crepey skin on the neck.


PRP injections can be used on the scalp to stimulate hair growth. A consultation is first required to be sure you are an appropriate candidate for this treatment. A minimum of 4 treatments with continued maintenance is required. Individual results will vary.


Patients see substantial improvements in fine lines, wrinkles, under eye bags and circles, hyperpigmentation, scarring, and overall skin texture and appearance. It can be directly injected into the skin or used with microneedling. It can also be used as a stand-alone scalp treatment to stimulate hair growth.